The Southeastern Net Championships will be held in
Memphis, the capital of southern footbag for over
25 years. Memphis Footworks has produced some of
the highest quality net players in footbag history.
Yes, i'm referring to the rebel craze in the late
80's that lead to world domination by Chris "Gator"
Routh & Ken "Hammer" Hamric. The '06 champs are Yves
Archambault & Cory Current. So come on down and take
a thumpin' on the Mississippi River from some good
ol' boys - all stereotypes aside.
Mud Island River Park 125 North Front Street Memphis,
TN 38103. Parking is tricky. So once you reach Mud
Island you'll come to a tollbooth & just tell them
that you're competing in the footbag tournament.
Next, proceed through and park to the left on the
giant sloping boat dock. Then, walk along the drive
behind the ampitheather for the rest of the way &
we'll see you soon.
Event Schedule
14th - Doubles: Open & Intermediate
15th - Free for all (or Rain Day)
Phone: 615.423.7471
Other Contacts:
Tommy Carls
Tournament Format: depends on turnout
round robin = 11 teams or less
pool format = 12 teams or more